Your firm will be valued in a process that resembles an
initial public offering, but without issuing securities, losing your
privacy, or bearing the burden of an IPO. And when complete, your
valuation will be Numeria Certifiedsm, conveying to your board
of directors, investors, auditors and others that it is based on the most
independent, objective and robust process available. (For more from other
clients, click here).
To value your firm, key information about the company is
compiled and distributed to multiple valuation experts, who independently
prepare and submit written valuation opinions. The expert analysts then
all meet in the Numeria marketplace, where a market maker moderates the
pricing debate and analysts can adjust their valuations based on what they
learn from the other experts. Soon their valuations converge into a
central value, which offers the most accurate fair market value possible.
What occurs in the marketplace is confidential, but it
is transparent to you and your team. You see and hear the same information
as all of the analysts, and thus can watch your firm’s value emerge in
real time. Many also learn much more, like how their firm creates value;
how it could create yet more value; and how it is perceived by
sophisticated experts in a competitive marketplace.
In addition to providing the clearest view of your firm
and its value, Numeria delivers a return-on-investment that other
valuation analyses - including doing it yourself - cannot. For more on
Numeria’s ROI, see this white paper on Wild Card Risksm
and Valuation Price Efficiencysm.